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Recipes and Cooking


Mini Egg Burgers

Mini Egg Burgers

Holy hard-boiled buns! 

In this miniature recipe, Today Show cook, Jane de Graaff shows us how to maximise the joy of cooking. Mini Egg Burgers bring a bright smile to our faces, inspiring the entire family to cut, slice, dice, and stack their favourite burger toppings. Whether served as an entrée, a lunchbox snack, or a playful addition to your next party spread, these Mini Egg Burgers are guaranteed to steal the spotlight!


  • 4 eggs
  • 2 lettuce leaves
  • 1 small tomato, thinly sliced
  • 2 pieces of devon
  • 2 slices tasty cheese
  • 1 small pickled beetroot
  • 2 Tbsp burger sauce (or a sauce of your choosing)
  • 2 tsp sesame seeds OR bagel seasoning
  • 1 dill pickle, diced


  1. Bring a saucepan of water to the boil and lower in your four eggs straight from the fridge. Cook on a steady boil for 7 minutes for a firm egg with a jammy centre. Cook longer if you want a hard-boiled egg.
  2. Remove the eggs from the boiling water, crack the shells all over and then place them into a bowl of ice and water. Once cool enough to handle, peel the eggshell off. Or you can try one of these ‘apeeling’ hacks.
  3. Cut all the fillings into pieces that are the right size for your tiny burger. Break up the lettuce leaves, slice your tomato into thin rounds, cut your Devon into small ‘burger patties’ using a cookie cutter, cut your cheese slices into mini burger slices, slice your small beetroot into thin slices, and dice your pickle.
  4. Slice your eggs in half lengthways to create your burger buns. Then, using a dab of burger sauce, sit one half cut side up and stack the burger ingredients on top: lettuce, tomato, Devon, cheese, beetroot.
  5. Top it with the other half of the egg - cut side down - and secure it with a toothpick topped with a piece of diced pickle.
  6. Repeat until you have four mini burgers ready to serve and then sprinkle the tops with sesame seeds. Serve with extra burger sauce and pickle.


For some extra fun use a kitchen brûlée torch to brown the top of the egg a little before you add the sesame seeds. It’ll give your eggs that perfect brioche bun look!